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We’ve Got You Covered
Cyber Security, Interception & Monitoring solutions for Defense & Military Establishments & Intelligence Agencies
Adaptive Security Appliances delivers advanced security for business and enterprise
Enterprise Hardware
Servers & Hardwares
For Networking Datalink Technologies Limited provides you routers, switches and VOiP equipments
Datalink Technologies Limited is the global source of purchasing and selling storage devices
Datalink Technologies Limited is incorporated in the Republic of Mauritius, the company has successfully positioned itself as a leading Technology Solutions Provider focused Homeland Security Solutions & Enterprise IT Infrastructure Solutions
The Company based in Mauritius and operates in Middle East, Africa, India, South East Asia, Europe & CIS countries. Datalink Technologies Limited carries a pool of industry certified professionals. The company believes in quality of manpower and encourages continuous learning by way of training programs and upgradation of skills.
Datalink Technologies Limited has provided the customers with up to date technology and value-added services which is very well supported by Vendor and carry out turnkey projects like setting up data centers for Government organizations, banks, telecom & large private enterprises. Cyber Security, Interception & Monitoring solutions for Defense & Military Establishments & Intelligence Agencies through its business associates.